Wastewater Infrastructure Improvements
Town of Plattsburgh, New York
Laberge Group was retained by the Town of Plattsburgh, New York to provide engineering, surveying, and construction administration services to improve the wastewater system in the primarily residential Cliff Haven area along Lake Champlain. Much of this wastewater collection infrastructure was built in the 1950s. A large portion of the sewer main is clay tile and asbestos cement pipe, while many of the manholes were constructed using brick. As these materials approached the end of their projected lifespan, inflow and infiltration started to become more of a problem and the system required improvements to continue to reliably meet the needs of current residents and businesses.
A cost-efficient and effective solution was devised to rehabilitate and extend the life of the wastewater infrastructure. This engineering solution included:
- Manhole lining and replacements.
- Lining of more than 12,500 LF of gravity sewer forcemain.
- Upgrades to five pump stations, three of which will be retrofitted and two of which will be replaced.
Laberge Group developed a Preliminary Engineering Report which detailed existing conditions, described several engineering alternatives, specified a recommended alternative, and provided preliminary project design. The Report also supplied cost estimates, as well as a project schedule and projected annual operating expenses. The next phase of services included:
- Final design, plan, and detail sheet development.
- Erosion and sediment control plans.
- Updated construction cost estimates.
- Permit and approval process management.
- Contract document development, bidding services, for the sewer and manhole lining.
- Construction administration and construction administration.
The multi-discipline services Laberge Group provided to facilitate the effective execution of this engineering solution also included topographic and planometric surveys. Construction of the pump station improvements will be completed during the second phase of this wastewater infrastructure improvement project.
Is your New York community concerned about the state of your wastewater infrastructure? Is funding standing in the way of addressing the issue?
A member of Laberge Group’s team of infrastructure grant funding experts would be happy to be a resource to help evaluate your options and determine potential next steps. Simply submit this form and we’ll get in touch soon!