ARPA Strategies, Compliance, and Best Practices – Making the most of American Rescue Plan Act Funding for New York Communities
Two years after becoming law, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) has had a significant transformative impact on municipalities across New York State. Cities, towns, and villages of all shapes and sizes have used their shares of the $12.75 Billion in State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) distributed among New York communities for:
- Economic Development & Recovery
- Supporting Essential Work
- Provision of Government Services
- Necessary Infrastructure Investments in Water, Sewer, or Broadband
- Replacing Lost Public Sector Revenue
Still, for many communities, questions remain about how to account for and/or use this historical funding, and compliance / proper administration of the funds.
Having provided ARPA consulting services to more than a dozen New York municipalities, the presenters shared their insights on strategies for success and ARPA compliance best practices. The pair also walked attendees through “don’t miss” and new elements of this year’s SLFRF Project and Expenditure Report Portal, which opened on April 1, 2023.
We’d be happy to send you a PDF of the slides from Laberge Group’s recent presentation, “ARPA Strategies, Compliance, and Best Practices – Making the most of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding for New York Communities.” Simply submit this form and we’ll send the slides to you right away.