Construction Update:
Ultra-Violet (UV) Disinfection System
at the Wastewater Treatment Plant in the
Village of Canastota, New York
Construction of a new Ultra-Violet (UV) Disinfection System at the Village of Canastota’s wastewater treatment plant is nearing completion. Laberge Group provided engineering design and construction management services, as well as development of a grant application which helped secure more than $400,000 in WQIP funding for the project. We are proud to have partnered with the Village on the implementation of this vital water quality project.
Is your New York community concerned about the quality of the effluent released by your wastewater treatment plant? Is funding standing in the way of addressing the issue?
A member of Laberge Group’s team of infrastructure grant funding experts would be happy to be a resource to help evaluate your options and determine potential next steps. Simply submit this form and we’ll get in touch soon!