The long-awaited Federal Stimulus Funds to support states and local communities are soon to arrive. That means $825 Million for communities in New York State!
Communities that are nimble enough to move quickly toward project readiness will reap the greatest benefits.

Among other COVID related eligible expenses, the funds allocated to your community are approved for use on specified projects, including necessary investments in Water and Sewer Infrastructure.

Stretch these funds even further by pairing them with NEW Federal and State grant funding that has been significantly bolstered by the Covid Relief Bill.
If your community has been unable to address the challenges caused by aging and deteriorating water and sewer infrastructure, this is your chance to take action! Laberge Group would be happy to be a resource for you by discussing the best ways to leverage this funding to optimize the benefit your community.
As you are aware, the Covid Relief Funding is a constantly changing and fluid process Final distribution and allocations are awaiting the Department of Treasury’s rules and procedures. Our Grant and Community Development Specialists are monitoring the process and stand ready to assist you.
Please reach out to Ben Sydenat (518) 458-7112 or bysden@labergegroup.com for a no-obligation conversation about how to quickly prepare your community to leverage this funding for your most pressing priorities.