The Planned extension of the municipal sewer system along the Route 9 in Moreau, NY is already spurring economic development projects within the Town.
Laberge Group was retained by the Town of Moreau to provide design and construction services to extend the existing sewer system to serve the commercial corridor. Neighboring communities along the same corridor have experienced healthy growth rates and expanded tax bases, while growth along the segment of Route 9 in Moreau has stagnated. The lack of a municipal sewer system has been identified by Town leadership and prospective developers as the key impediment to development and economic growth.
Another impetus for undertaking the sewer extension is the need to address environmental issues caused by current on-site wastewater disposal systems. Many of the current septic systems are located in soil that is ill-suited to the task, so it is likely that wastewater is not being adequately treated before flows reach groundwater. Another incentive for undertaking the extension is the opportunity to alleviate expenses for residents of three mobile home parks within the service area. The parks’ low-income residents, who already cover costly ongoing septic maintenance, face inevitable expensive mitigation needs in the near future. The innovative tax structure established to finance this sewer district will help sewer rates become more affordable as economic development increases along the Route 9 commercial corridor.
The design for the sewer extension calls for approximately 31,000 linear feet of low pressure sewer and 27,400 linear feet of forcemain. The decision to utilize a low pressure system rather than gravity lines is projected to save approximately $1 million. The system will transport sewage to the City of Glens Falls for treatment by prior inter-municipal agreement.
In the first phase of the project, Laberge Group has assisted the Town by:
- Developing a Map, Plan & Report
- Facilitating the formation of the required sewer district along Route 9 (comprised solely of commercial properties)
- Providing services in support of a successful public referendum on the proposed sewer extension
- Partnering with the Town to secure funding for the $16 million project (the largest infrastructure expenditure in Town history), including a $4 million NY Water grant and a $12 million EFC loan at 0% interest for 30 years
The sewer extension is as much an economic development initiative as it is a sewer infrastructure undertaking. News of the sewer extension’s imminent construction has already encouraged investments from business owners and developers. These developments will bring much-needed jobs to the Town, while expanding and diversifying the tax base.