Complete Streets – Creating Healthy Schools and Communities

Complete StreetsComplete Streets = Streets for Everyone

Complete Streets are streets that are designed and operated to provide safe and convenient access for all roadway users, regardless of age, ability or mode of transportation. This includes pedestrians, cyclists, transit users, and motorists. It considers the needs of children, the elderly and persons with disabilities.

By planning, designing, constructing, operating and maintaining Complete Streets, communities can provide quality access to schools, jobs, health services, and shops while also achieving greater economic, environmental, and public health benefits.

Complete Streets may include:

  • Sidewalks
  • Lane striping
  • Bicycle lanes
  • Paved shoulders suitable for use by bicyclists
  • Signage
  • Crosswalks
  • Pedestrian control signals
  • Bus pull-outs
  • Curb cuts
  • Raised crosswalks, ramps and traffic calming measures

Laberge Group is pleased to assist New York communities in developing Complete Streets, and has developed Complete Street strategies for several municipalities including:

Village of Cobleskill  Town of Davenport
Village of Otego  Village of Massena
Village of Blenheim  Town of Jefferson
 Village of Middleburgh Village of Richmondville
Village of Schoharie Village of Sharon Springs

The development of Complete Streets Guidelines for a community begins with an understanding of the community’s transportation needs and current infrastructure. Conversations with community leaders and members of the general public reveal community priorities. Draft guidelines are developed in close coordination with those who would be executing them to ensure appropriateness and ease of implementation.