Now that we have passed the major grant funding deadlines for 2023, it is the perfect time to begin preparing for 2024 grants.
Already? Yes, the time to get started is now.
It’s that time of year again – budget season!
As you begin developing your municipal budget and planning for 2024, consider budgeting for both grant preparation and the development of supporting documents necessary to secure funding. To be an ideal funding candidate, your grant application will need to clearly demonstrate project readiness and provide studies, reports, and/or plans demonstrating the need for the proposed project. Act now to ensure that the appropriate funds are available for grant applications and related expenses in your 2024 budget.

What documentation does your community need?
How much should you budget for development costs and grant matches?
Laberge Group can help!
Our community development team has partnered with client communities throughout New York State to secure more than $360 million in funding since 2000.
Is funding standing in the way of addressing a major issue for your community?
A member of Laberge Group’s team of grant funding experts would be happy to be a resource to help evaluate your options and determine potential next steps. Simply submit this form and we’ll get in touch soon!