Excessive Infiltration and Inflow (I/I) in municipal sanitary sewage collection systems and collapsing or broken clay and asbestos cement sewers are quite common in Mohawk Valley communities.
Laberge Group was retained by the Village of Fultonville to provide CDBG funding application and engineering services to rehabilitate a large section of trunk collection sewers. The project entailed cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) lining, a trenchless technology that saves costs for street reconstruction and effectively stretches the dollars available to cover more linear feet of sewer rehabilitation.
Laberge Group prepared reports and applications, plan specifications and bid documents and construction phase services and CDBG program administration for this project. After bids were opened the project was extended to rehabilitate additional sewers and manholes within available funding limits.
Early indications are that this project has significantly reduced infiltration quantities, and by association, treatment plant operational costs for the Village of Fultonville.