Putnam County, NEW YORK
Architectural Services

Laberge Group was retained by Putnam County to develop a Needs Assessment Report for the County Office Building’s roof and façade. This building, which is central to the provision of many County services, houses offices of the County Executive, County Legislature, the District Attorney, the County Clerk, and the Finance Department, among others. The building was originally built in 1911, with a significant expansion added in the 1930’s and another in the 1950’s.
Laberge Group’s initial examination of the four story, 30,240 square foot facility revealed safety concerns that required immediate action. Breaches in the masonry wall in several locations were deemed to be potentially hazardous to pedestrians on the sidewalks below. The County responded promptly by establishing barriers at the ground level to ensure pedestrian safety.
Based on a facility tour and a review of existing conditions, Laberge Group drafted a Critical Needs Assessment Report which cited priority remedial actions, each of which was paired with a repair and/or replacement budget. The primary concern was the significant lateral displacement of the parapet wall. Laberge Group determined the cause of the displacement and proposed corrective measures.
Another priority recommendation was to meet as much of current NYS building code as possible. While the building’s age exempted it from current code under the “grandfather clause,” the County opted to implement all recommendations, including replacing windows to improve energy efficiency and benefit from subsequent energy savings. Another significant recommendation that will be undertaken is the extension of the fire escape to upper floors, thus bringing the building into compliance with current fire code while improving public safety.
Laberge Group has subsequently been retained to deliver the design services required to implement the façade and roof rehabilitation that will enable the County to continue safely providing essential services from this historical building.
Would your community benefit from a facility needs assessment to enable the safe and efficient continuation of service provision to your constituents? Get in touch to see how Laberge Group can help. We’re happy to be a resource for you.