Laberge Group was retained by the Town of Schuyler Falls to provide design and implementation services to improve the Town’s water system. Like many other communities whose water systems were installed in the 1950’s, the Morrisonville Water District has a distribution system comprised of asbestos cement pipe, and has experienced a significant increase in water main breaks as a result of the pipe reaching the end of its useful life.
Laberge Group has assisted the Morrisonville Water District over several years with projects ranging from water supply source modifications, installation of metering systems for better water accountability, and water district boundary adjustments. Laberge Group was retained to prepare a Preliminary Engineering Report to identify what is required to replace the nearly 30,000 feet of asbestos cement pipe and determine the costs involved. Equally importantly, Laberge Group has partnered with the community to identify and secure project funding to make the water infrastructure improvements affordable to the residents and business owners in the district.
Working in conjunction with the Town, Laberge Group assisted in obtaining the following funding assistance for the water district to help offset the cost of the estimated $8,100,000 project:
- $2,562,500 in Community Project Funding (CPF).
- $1,300,000 in USDA Water and Environmental Program (WEP) funding.
- $1,250,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding.
- $900,000 in funding from Clinton County.
- $5,562,000 in USDA low-interest loan funds.
Once funding was secured, Laberge Group was retained for the design and evaluation services necessary to move the project forward. This includes developing contract documents suitable for construction, providing contract bidding and administrative services, conducting environmental assessments, providing construction observation services and field surveys, managing soil testing, and submitting permit applications. Construction contracts are expected to be bid in late summer of 2023, with construction completed in 2024.
Is your community facing drinking water or wastewater challenges, but you’re unsure how to plan for – or fund – the projects needed to improve the infrastructure and move your community forward?
Get in touch to see how Laberge Group can help. As one of the most experienced consultants in municipal water and wastewater engineering in New York State, we’re happy to be a resource for you.