The Town of Black Brook retained Laberge Group to identify and resolve persistent issues with their water supply. The Town was supplied with drinking water through water mains from the adjacent Town of Jay. Because these water mains crossed the Ausable River, they were vulnerable to flooding, and previous flooding events had disrupted water service to the Town of Black Brook. In addition, the Town of Jay planned to undertake water infrastructure improvements, and the cost to Black Brook of these improvements would have been considerable.
Laberge Group developed a Preliminary Engineering Report, determining that the Town of Black Brook could develop stand-alone water infrastructure through the construction of two wells to supply high-quality water, a 225,000 gallon water storage tank capable of providing fire flow volume, and a water main to connect to the existing water system. This would reduce or eliminate the Town’s dependence on the Town of Jay for water, ensuring a reliable water supply regardless of seasonal flooding or extreme weather events. Laberge Group calculated the cost of these improvements to be less than the cost of Black Brook’s obligation for the Town of Jay improvements. An additional advantage is that all improvements paid for by the Town of Black Brook will directly benefit the Town.
As a community of under 1,500 residents with a median household income 28% below the State median, the Town of Black Brook was eligible for funding assistance to proceed with these infrastructure improvements. Laberge Group developed a successful application for the NY Water Grant funding. In addition, Laberge Group determined that the system’s current vulnerability to a possible increase in flooding due to climate change made the project eligible for grant funding through the Climate Smart Communities Program. Total funding secured for the project was more than $1.8 million.
Laberge Group is currently providing the following engineering services to implement the infrastructure improvements: project design, contract document development, and permitting services. Laberge Group will also conduct or coordinate grant administration, geotechnical studies, environmental reviews, and surveys. In the next phase of this ongoing project, Laberge group will provide contractor bidding services and conduct construction observation.
Upon completion of these projects, Black Brook residents and businesses will be assured of a consistent water supply that will enhance their quality of life and catalyze economic development initiatives and projects aimed at improving the health of the Ausable River.
Is your community is facing drinking water, wastewater, and/or stormwater challenges, but unsure how to plan for or fund the projects needed to move your community forward? Get in touch to see how Laberge Group can help. As a statewide leader in these disciplines, we’re happy to be a resource for you.