Laberge Group was retained by the Town of Brunswick to provide services addressing safety and compliance issues at the Brunswick and Van Derhyden Dam. Services included a Safety Inspection Report, an Inspection and Maintenance Plan, an Emergency Action Plan, and a Hazard Classification Evaluation for the Van Derheyden Reservoir Dam. The scope of services included:
- Perform a safety inspection of the dam, Prepare a Safety Inspection Report (SIR) and submit the Report to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC).
- Prepare an Inspection and Maintenance (I&M) plan for the dam as required by NYSDEC, unless a plan currently exists.
- Prepare an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for the dam and submit the plan to NYSDEC.
- Evaluate the hazard classification of the dam.
As a continuation of the dam safety work, these additional engineering services were provided:
- Site visit to document condition changes.
- Collect any additional measurements needed for design.
- Perform a Hydrology and Hydraulic (H&H) analysis for each dam.
- Perform a stability analysis for the Van Derhyden Reservoir Dam for compliance with NYSDEC Dam Safety requirements.
- Develop a permit application for Brunswick Dam modifications.
- Develop plans, design report, and permit applications for the Van Derhyden Reservoir Dam for review and approval by NYSDEC and ACOE.
- Prepare an Environmental Assessment Form for State Environmental Quality Review Act compliance for each dam.
Concerns regarding dam safety are prevalent in communities throughout New York State. If a dam in your community is aging and the infrastructure is deteriorating, get in touch to see how Laberge Group can help. We’re happy to be a resource for you.