The Town of Brookhaven retained Laberge Group to partner with them in developing innovative approaches to reduce property taxes through the consolidation of shared government services and the development of visionary government efficiency solutions. The elected officials of Brookhaven, the second largest Town in New York, sought to comprehensively reassess services, redesign government models, and redeploy service delivery across municipal boundaries.
The Town partnered with Laberge Group to develop a Municipal Consolidation & Efficiency Plan, aptly titled Brookhaven United. In the fall of 2018, the plan was awarded the sole $19.7 million Municipal Consolidation and Efficiency Competition (MCEC) Award in recognition of its visionary solutions and their potential to impact governments throughout the State. The plan details strategies to streamline operations, formalize municipal collaboration, maximize efficiencies in service delivery, and better serve the Town’s residents and businesses. The solutions outlined include:
- Dissolution of the Village of Mastic Beach, the largest village to dissolve in New York State history
- Consolidation or dissolution of at least 24 districts, reducing the total number of districts by almost 22%
- Functional consolidation of tax collection and assessment services
- Enhancement of DPW highway services, including joint facilities, consolidated purchasing, and shared equipment
- Single stream recycling and waste management
- Establishment of an Information Technology Nerve Center offering consolidated technology services
- Development of a purchasing portal to facilitate aggregate buying
Brookhaven United is an innovative planning tool that will not only redesign the government of the Town of Brookhaven and provide meaningful results to its constituents, it will also act as a model and catalyst for government reinvention statewide. The Town’s demonstrated preparedness to implement each project was key to receiving the award. This preparation included the adoption of 26 resolutions formalizing support for the projects, development of a committee to implement individual projects, and project vetting by department heads, partners, and participating communities. Solutions outlined in the plan are estimated to save $61 million for Brookhaven’s taxpayers over a five year timeframe.
Community leaders throughout New York State have been challenged to supply additional municipal services while working with stagnant or reduced revenues and increased competition for grant funding – all while staying within the mandated Tax Cap. This is the time to determine whether GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY STRATEGIES are right for YOUR community.
Options such as intermunicipal shared services, departmental consolidations, or village dissolutions can help some communities improve economics while maintaining or improving service delivery, but it’s essential to investigate and understand the impact of these strategies within the context of each specific municipality.
Can you spare a few minutes now to discuss strategies that could impact the fiscal viability and optimal service delivery in your community for years to come? Get in touch to see how Laberge Group can help. We’re happy to be a resource for you.