village dissolution / municipal consolidation
Whether a Village Dissolution or Town/Village Consolidation process is initiated by a municipal board or conducted in response to a petition filed by the Village electorate, it is vital to fully understand the numerous and nuanced implications of a government reorganization of this magnitude. Laberge Group is dedicated to providing an unbiased and balanced review of the existing government, the cost of services, and the impact that the proposed reorganization would have on services, governance, cost-savings, and taxation levels.
Partnering with Client Communities: The development of Interim Studies, Dissolution Plans, and Dissolution Implementations requires true collaboration between a community and their chosen consultant. Our philosophy is that our clients are the experts on their community, their vision, and their approach to goal-setting and community change. Our job is to complement that knowledge and local expertise with new ideas, a fresh approach, and many years of experience. We pride ourselves on our ability to guide, not direct the process, while maintaining focus on the desired objectives. This partnership with our client communities ensures that the relationship between quality of life, place-making attributes, and local government services is reflected in the final product.
Impact of Hands-on Design and Implementation Experience: We believe that it is important to partner with a firm that not only regularly develops Interim Studies of Dissolution and Dissolution Implementation plans, but also has experience in the actual implementation of municipal dissolutions. Laberge Group has partnered with a number of communities to implement their village dissolutions. This hands-on experience is invaluable in enabling us to provide real-world insights, improving the accuracy of our probable/conservative transition cost assessments, and honing our focus on implementation. It is also one of the keys to helping our client communities avoid some of the potential pitfalls in navigating both the pre-referendum and implementation phases.

Dissolution Plans
Laberge Group has successfully developed numerous Dissolution Plans for Villages throughout New York State. These plans are tailored in great detail to the specific situation and needs of each client community and are developed consistent with the goals of the community. A well-executed Dissolution Plan is fundamental to a well-implemented Dissolution.
Interim Studies
When developing an Interim Study of Dissolution or Consolidation, Laberge Group’s experienced and committed Local Government Operations & Efficiency team is committed to delivering factual information and unbiased analysis from which the residents can make an informed decision on the future of their community.
Each Study includes in-depth information and insights gleaned from reviews of existing reports and data sets, as well as interviews with community representatives whose input is invaluable. This list includes elected officials, department heads, committee members, municipal staff, volunteers, and stakeholders. The ultimate goal and final result of an Interim Report is to enable community leaders, elected officials, and the public to make informed decisions about the future of their community based on factual information and projections derived from years of experience.
If your community is considering village dissolution or municipal consolidation, or if you have been issued with a petition for dissolution by your electorate, don’t delay. Get in touch to see how Laberge Group can help. We’re happy to be a resource for you.