Laberge Group was retained by the Town of Schodack to provide design and construction services to provide sewer service to the Schodack Central School District. The school district approached the Town regarding the sewer service needs of the High School as well as the former Middle School and Bus Garage, both of which were served by decaying and inadequate sanitary septic systems.
Incorporating input from the Town’s Water & Sewer Department, Laberge Group drafted a Map, Plan & Report for “Sewer District No. 1 – Extension 1” to determine the feasibility of the proposed sewer extension and the creation of a special sewer district. The Report provided calculations of current and projected flows, identified regulatory requirements, provided a preliminary opinion of cost, and addressed project financing. It also provided an analysis of various concept designs and recommended a preferred configuration principally based on serving the School District, but also taking potential future sewer needs of the Town into consideration.
Subsequent to approval of the Report, Laberge Group provided a full range of design and construction services, including:
- Preparing an Environmental Assessment for the purposes of SEQRA review and related SEQRA documents.
- Obtaining an aerial survey, conducting right-of-way research, and field locating existing utilities and drainage.
- Assisting special district counsel in the creation of required Town Board resolutions to establish the sewer district.
- Developing final design and contract documents.
- Producing final collection system, pump station, and force main plans and construction specifications.
- Preparing final detail drawings, final calculations, and final opinion of probable construction cost.
- Performing bidding services including obtaining bids and consulting with the Town on the award of contract.
- Providing construction phase services including contact administration and construction observation.
The newly constructed sewer extension, which ultimately conveys wastewater to the Village of Castleton on Hudson Wastewater Treatment Plant, is now sufficient to meet the current and future needs of the Schodack Central School District and is adaptable to support potential future sewer extension opportunities.
If your communities wastewater infrastructure is aging, deteriorating, or simply insufficient to meet current need, let us know how we can help. As one of New York State’s most experienced wastewater engineering firms, we would be happy to be a resource for you as you look for an implementable and cost-efficient solution for your community. We look forward to hearing from you.