Laberge Group was retained by the Village of Nassau to assist with improvements to the Village’s water distribution system.
The Village experiences frequent water main breaks, particularly during the winter months, which creates water outages and Village-wide boiling advisories. This is not only an inconvenience for residents, but it also has a negative affect upon businesses, particularly those that serve food. Most dramatic is the effect this has on the students and staff of the local elementary school, which must close and send students home whenever an advisory is issued.
Laberge Group designed the replacement of the existing 4 inch mains with 8 inch mains, and looped them back to the 10 inch main near the water tank. Replacing 4 inch mains with 8 inch mains allowed for improved water circulation, and an increased flow. This also provided better water quality, increased fire flow, and created an alternate feed to and from the Village water tank.
Through this project, Laberge Group uncovered a greater need for water system upgrades that would involve the replacement of all existing water valves in the Village water distribution system. Almost all the valves were non-functional, which meant that whenever work was performed on the system, all of the water supply for the entire Village needed to be shut down. To address this need, Laberge Group secured $150,000 in funding to replace non-functional valves.
Is your community is facing water, wastewater, and/or stormwater challenges, but unsure how to plan for or fund the projects needed to move forward? Get in touch to see how Laberge Group can help. As a statewide leader in these disciplines, we’re happy to be a resource for you.