Construction is well underway on a municipal water transmission system extension in North Greenbush, NY.
The project entails installing new water mains, hydrants, and valves to extend water service along Route 43 to increase water pressure in the higher elevations of the Defreetsville residential neighborhoods. Laberge Group partnered with the Town to secure $2.17 million in NY Water Infrastructure Improvement (WIIA) grant funding to defray the cost of the improvements. We are pleased to be part of this project that will improve water quality, alleviate water pressure issues, and provide ample supply to residential and commercial properties.
Is water quality, water pressure, or water supply an issue in your community? Is funding standing in the way of addressing the problem?
A member of Laberge Group’s team of project development and funding experts would be happy to be a resource to help evaluate your options and determine potential next steps. Simply submit this form and we’ll get in touch soon!