South Nyack Village Dissolution Plan Steering Committee Meeting 4 – May 26, 2021
Meeting Agenda (PDF)
Meeting Agenda (PDF)
March 25, 2021
Meeting Agenda (PDF)
Introduction to Village Zoning by Roger Seiler (PDF of Presentation Slides)
South Nyack Village Dissolution Plan Steering Committee Meeting 2 – March 10, 2021
Meeting Agenda (PDF)
Meeting Summary Notes (PDF)
Contacting us with your questions or comments:
This feature is no longer available. Replies to questions submitted by Village residents have been posted on the FAQ page of this site.
Signing up for notifications about updates to this website:
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Laberge Group offered Office hours to answer your questions and hear your comments. These sessions were 15 minute one-on-one Zoom meetings. Please note, both sets of office hours have been completed. If you should have questions for Laberge Group, the consultant collaborating with the Village of South Nyack on the Dissolution Plan, please click on the “Submit Question or Comment” button above. A reply to your question will be posted on the FAQ page of this site.
Participate in Public Meetings:
A number of public meetings have been held, and more are planned, to address your questions and solicit your input:
- A kick-off public information virtual meeting, held on March 4th, included a presentation about the next phase of the dissolution process. The presentation was followed by a real-time question & answer session,
- A second virtual public meeting was held on June 2nd to present key findings and elements of the draft dissolution plan to the Boards of both municipalities as well as the public. Public participation via online question submissions were encouraged after this meeting.
- The third public meeting, held on July 21, was a required public hearing on the Village of South Nyack Draft Dissolution Plan.
Updated July 23, 2021