Questions & Answers
Frequently Asked Questions
A Comprehensive Plan establishes a community’s long-term vision, goals, strategies and policies for guiding future public and private development and investment and includes background information on the municipality’s past and an analysis of current issues and trends which will affect the future. The Plan is intended to serve as a roadmap for the Town for the foreseeable future.
The Town of Easton’s Comprehensive Plan will address future land uses; housing; economic development; transportation; parks, trails, open space, and natural resources; and public services/facilities and infrastructure; and agriculture’s role in the community. The Plan will also be instrumental in establishing direction for newer planning issues such as local cannabis regulations, siting and proliferation of new renewable energy generating facilities/ structure, both large-scale and small, and the expansion of infrastructure.
Existing plans and strategies are an important part of the Comprehensive Plan process. These Plans will inform the Town of Easton Comprehensive Plan, and in some cases will be incorporated into the plan if the goals and vision are still consistent with the community’s aspirations.
Questions Submitted by the Town of Easton Community
We are seeking input from community members input on your vision for the Town of Easton, and any input you’d like to share on how we can achieve that vision together as a community. What changes could be made to enhance and support YOUR quality of life? What strengths of the Town should we capitalize on? Are there challenges you would like to see addressed? We want to hear from you.
Even before COVID-19 impacted our lives, many Towns in the region, including our own, were seeking ways to improve job opportunities and support small businesses. An important component of the Comprehensive Planning process will be to identify additional businesses suited to the community that may improve employment opportunities and to support businesses already operating within our community. If you have specific questions regarding this issue, or insights that you think may be helpful, please use the Questions and Comments form on this page to reach out to us.
The community meeting will be held on a date yet-to-be determined in October. It will be a visioning workshop during which the results of the public outreach to date will be share. Participants will then be asked to participate in activities and provide input to advance the vision and goals of the Town. Please visit this website from time to time to learn when the date has been set.
Comments Submitted by the Town of Easton Community
Your Questions & Comments
Your input is important to us and to our community. Please use the form below to submit your questions, comments, or suggestions regarding the Town of Easton Comprehensive Plan.
If you ask a question, the reply will be posted on this page within 5 business days (without your name). Please check back.
Updated August 29, 2022