This website is designed to keep the community updated and engaged with the development of the Interim Dissolution Study for the Village of Highland Falls.
Welcome ...
Welcome to the Town of Lloyd Comprehensive Plan project website. We are excited that you are here and interested in the future of the Town. This website is intended to provide information regarding the development of the Comprehensive Plan update, and keep the community informed of opportunities to participate in the process.
in order to help shape the future of our community.
Why create a new Comprehensive Plan now?
The Town of Lloyd’s (Ulster County) leaders have determined that the 2005 Comprehensive Plan, which underwent a minor update in 2013, is in need of another update. Within this planning effort, there will be steps to assess and identify the varied potential community needs and opportunities. As part of strategizing for future overall community and economic development, there can be investigation and community dialogue about the infrastructural conditions and ways to invest in, enhance and leverage the assets which serve as underpinnings of growth and development within the Town.
As a smart growth plan, there will be exploration of how to direct growth and prepare for and mitigate climate change. Since 2005, there were two major hurricanes, which caused flooding, and a third event resulted in a significant coastal storm surge. Such extreme weather influences awareness of a need to continue with an ongoing assessment of risks the community faces and to plan for long-term resiliency and emergency preparedness.
At the same time, we will explore how to advance a distinctive, attractive community with sense of place. For instance, since the Walkway Over the Hudson State Park and the Hudson Valley Rail Trail have been completed, they are influencing patterns of mobility, recreation, and regional tourism – there can be discussions about how assets like these can be leveraged to aid beneficial community development. Likewise, partly influenced by the pandemic, housing market pressures have heightened, and there are economic shifts, plus changes in job markets. These all represent development conditions and opportunities that are in need of evaluation.
Phased Planning Process
The initial visioning phase, which is scheduled for completion by December of 2022, will provide for robust community engagement and extensive public involvement to establish a clear vision for the future of Lloyd.
Through Phase 1, Lloyd will seek to achieve balanced and diversified community input utilizing a variety of outreach methods to solicit participation. Engaging the community in meetings, focus groups, surveys, and interviews, residents and business owners will be directly involved in forming the vision for development and preservation in the Town of Lloyd. Phase 1 will further allow the Town to evaluate progress made in recent years, identify gaps, prioritize the community’s next steps, and leverage future funding opportunities.
Phase 1 activities include:
- Public Outreach Efforts
- Public Meeting 1: Open House
- Public Meeting 2: Workshop
- Community Vision Plan
The second phase will leverage the findings, and analysis conducted during Phase 1 into the preparation of the full Comprehensive Plan. the Town has an opportunity to apply to NYS Department of State’s (NYS DOS) Smart Growth Comprehensive Planning Grant Program to complete Phase 2 of the planning process. Robust community involvement, input, and support is of major importance not only in our planning approach to this project but it is also critically important in the competitive grant funding process.
We appreciate your interest in this vital planning project and welcome your insights and questions to help shape the planning process and the future of the Town of Lloyd.
Phase 2 activities include:
- Establish Community Vision
- Inventory and Analysis
- Identify Goals & Objects
- Draft 1 Completed for Review
- Final Draft Completed
- Public Hearing
- Town Board Acceptance
How can I get involved in the process?
Phased Planning Process
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More to come.
This website will provide information about opportunities for public input, meeting updates, relevant documents, and additional information as it becomes available. Please check back often for updates.
Updated July 11, 2022