Questions & Answers
Frequently Asked Questions
A Comprehensive Plan, also sometimes referred to as a “master plan”, establishes a community’s long-term vision, goals, strategies and policies for guiding future public and private development. It sets up future land use and capital budgeting. A Comprehensive Plan includes background information on the municipality’s past and analysis of current issues and trends which will affect the future. The Plan is intended to serve as a roadmap for Town development for the foreseeable future. It will present strategies to advance the community’s future vision and goals, and present ways to fund and leverage key priorities, inclusive of pursuing grant underwriting. It will also address ways to foster involvement and collaboration among the many and varied local and regional parties who can help advance the desired vision and objectives for long-term community development.
The Town of Lloyd’s Comprehensive Plan will address factors like: natural resources; housing; economic development; transportation; parks, trails, open space; and public services/facilities and emergency preparedness. Notably, this planning aims at guiding smart and sustainable growth, so there will be attention to topics like advancing climate change resiliency in this community. The Plan will also be instrumental in establishing direction for planning issues like conserving and facilitating agriculture and advancing desirable patterns of building and development through identification of ways to refine zoning and land use regulations, plus foster a complimentary mix of infrastructure.
Existing plans and strategies are an important part of the Comprehensive Plan body of information. They can provide insight on unique features of community and local context. They can also be used guide planning. Local and region subject-specific plans will be consulted to assist with setting the vision and the attendant community and economic development strategies. In cases, they will be incorporated into the plan if the goals are still consistent with the community’s aspirations and vision.
Questions Submitted by the Town of Lloyd Community
Even before COVID-19 impacted our lives, many Towns in the region, including our own, were seeking ways to improve job opportunities and support small businesses. An important component of the Comprehensive Planning process will be to identify additional businesses suited to the community that may improve employment opportunities and to support businesses already operating within our community. If you have specific questions regarding this issue, or insights that you think may be helpful, please use the Questions and Comments form on this page to reach out to us.
Your Questions & Comments
Your input is important to us and to our community. Please use the form below to submit your questions, comments, or suggestions regarding the Town of Lloyd Comprehensive Plan.
Updated July 11, 2022