
Welcome to the City of Dunkirk Comprehensive Plan Update project website. We are excited that you are here and interested in the future of the City of Dunkirk. This website is intended to provide information regarding the development of the Comprehensive Plan update, and keep the community informed of opportunities to participate in the process. Check back here or on the City’s Main Website for updates!

Why Update the City’s Comprehensive Plan now?

The City of Dunkirk last prepared a Comprehensive Plan in 1976. Over the preceding 40 years, the City has undergone significant land use, population and economic changes, both positive and negative. Under the current Administration of Mayor Wilfred Rosas, the City has embarked on numerous initiatives to enhance the City of Dunkirk for residents, business owners and visitors. With this positive momentum and several projects in the works, the time is right for the City of Dunkirk to update their Comprehensive Plan and establish a long-term strategy for continued positive growth.

How can I get involved in the process?

It is important to get involved in the Comprehensive Plan activities, from data collection, to community visioning and mapping, to the creation of community goals and objectives. The Get Involved page of this website describes all of the current opportunities available to give your input, including public meetings, online surveys and questionnaires. Use the Contact/Feedback page to contact the City and to ask questions and provide feedback regarding the Comprehensive Plan. The News page will list all public meeting dates and times throughout the process as they are scheduled. Finally, materials from meetings and more information detailing the Comprehensive Plan process can be found on the Plan Documents page.

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A Comprehensive Plan establishes a community’s long term vision, goals, strategies and policies for guiding future changes and investments and includes background information on the municipality’s, past and an analysis of current issues and trends. The Plan is intended to service as a roadmap for the City for the next 10-year planning period. The City of Dunkirk Plan Update will address future land uses, housing, economic development, transportation, parks, trails, open space, natural resources and city services/facilities.

What are the contents of the Comprehensive Plan?

A typical Comprehensive Plan outlines the existing conditions of the City, describes future goals and objective for development, and includes an action plan to achieve these goals and objectives. The City of Dunkirk Comprehensive Plan will address the following:

  • Land Use and Development
  • Economic Development and Job Growth
  • Housing and Neighborhoods
  • Downtown and the Waterfront
  • Transportation and Mobility
  • Parks, Recreation and Open Space
  • Public Facilities and Infrastructure
  • Historic and Cultural Resources

We already have other plans and strategies – what will happen to those?

Existing plans and strategies are an important part of the Comprehensive Plan process. These Plans will inform the Comprehensive Plan, and in some cases will be incorporated into the plan if the goals and vision are still consistent with the community’s aspirations.

Check back often for updates.