This website is designed to keep the community updated and engaged with the development of the Interim Dissolution Study for the Village of Highland Falls.

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Village of Fort Johnson Proposed Dissolution Plan

Welcome to the Village of Fort Johnson Proposed Dissolution Plan website. This website is intended to provide information regarding the development of the Dissolution Plan and to keep the community informed of opportunities to participate in the process.


On February 24, 2022, the Village of Fort Johnson Board of Trustees voted to explore the option of dissolution of the Village government which would result in absorption of governance and services by the Town of Amsterdam. The Village Board of Trustees has applied for a New York State Citizen Reorganization Grant (CREG) to fund the study of dissolution and the development of this Proposed Dissolution Plan.

Why Study the Impacts of Dissolution and Develop a Proposed Dissolution Plan?

The Village of Fort Johnson has a long history of good governance, responsiveness to constituents, and delivery of quality services. The demands of operating and administering small Villages have become increasingly complex in recent years, presenting operational challenges for small communities across New York State and straining the affordability for property taxpayers. Further complicating matters, residents’ lives have become busier than ever, so that in many small communities it is increasingly challenging to recruit candidates for elected positions and staff.

The Village of Fort Johnson has operated with a lean central administration dependent on a single part-time employee. The Village also employs two staff to deliver its highway, parks, and sewer services.  This lean staffing structure presents challenges related to  available backup and continuity of services.  It is also difficult for small governments to take advantage of economies of scale and cost saving strategies that can produce property tax savings. 

The Village Board of Trustees determined that now is the right time to explore the pros and cons of dissolution to determine if there are opportunities to create increased long-term stability in governance and operations; improve services; improve efficiency and effectiveness; and produce property tax savings. The Proposed Dissolution Plan will provide an assessment of the impact of a potential dissolution on governance, service, service delivery, and cost to taxpayers.

Dissolution Process

To learn about the process of Village Dissolution, click HERE.   

Your input and insights are important to this process. Please take a moment to look around the site to learn more about the process and how you can participate.


To stay informed, ask your questions, and/or share your ideas, take advantage of one of these opportunities to participate.Sign Up for UpdatesClick below to receive email updates about upcoming events and new information posted to this site.


Submit a QuestionYou may submit a question below. Responses will be posted to the Questions & Answers Page.


Attend a Meeting

Click HERE to learn about upcoming public meetings and/or to view content from a recent public meeting.

Vote in the Referendum

After development and adoption of a Proposed Dissolution Plan, the Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing on the Dissolution Plan.  The Board may amend the Plan, and has the option to either approve a Final Dissolution Plan or elect to end the dissolution process.

If the Board approves a Final Dissolution Plan, they will then enact a resolution calling for a public referendum. The electorate will then have the opportunity to vote on whether or not to dissolve the Village.

If a referendum is called, the date, time, and location will be posted on this website, so be sure to check back often or click HERE to sign-up for email notifications.

Village of Fort Johnson Board

Hon. Michael Simmons, Mayor
Hon. William Maines, Deputy Mayor
Hon. James Bartone, Trustee
Hon. Kimberly Simmons, Trustee
Hon. William Smith, Trustee

Town of Amsterdam Board

Hon. Thomas P. DiMezza, Town Supervisor
Hon. David Thibodeau. Deputy Supervisor
Hon. Brent Phetteplace, Councilman
Hon. Mary Maines, Councilman
Hon. Ronald DiCaprio, Councilman

More to come.

This website will provide information about opportunities for public input, meeting updates, relevant documents, and additional information as it becomes available. Please check back often for updates.

Updated March 29, 2022