This website is designed to keep the community updated and engaged with the development of the Interim Dissolution Study for the Village of Highland Falls.

Why are we here?

The Village of Hempstead is applying for a Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) grant to help establish both a vision and an implementation plan to re-imagine, transform, and revitalize Downtown Hempstead.

Your input and ideas are vital.

In the coming weeks we’ll be providing opportunities for you to ask questions and provide insights that will help shape the future of our community. We hope you’ll be an active participant in this exciting project!

Get involved.

To learn about upcoming public workshops and meetings, click HERE.

Have a question or something you’d like to share? We’re here to listen to what you have to say and answer your questions. To share a question or comment, click HERE. 

We want to hear from you...

As members of our community, we value your perspective on how we should shape our community moving forward and your ideas about what specific steps we should take to get there.

Please take a few moments to fill out this short survey and help shape the future of Downtown Hempstead.

What is the project area?

For the purposes of the Downtown Redevelopment Initiative, Downtown Hempstead is the area indicated by the highlighted area in this image.

The BOA Step 2 Nomination Study that was conducted over the past three years in the Village of Hempstead is a primary basis of the downtown revitalization effort.

Downtown Revitalization Initiative Steering Committee

Hon. Waylyn Hobbs, Jr., Mayor, Village of Hempstead

Ubah Mohammed, Vice Chair, Village of Hempstead Community Development Agency (CDA)

Danielle Oglesby, Commissioner, Village of Hempstead Community Development Agency (CDA)

Susan Poser, President, Hofstra University

George Siberon, Executive Director, Hempstead Hispanic Civic Association, Inc.

Giovani Fernandez, La Fuente Restaurant Corp.

Kawaljit Chandi, Business Owner

DeLinda Desuze, Hempstead Resident

Allah Supreme Mathematics, Hempstead Resident

Banner Image Courtesy of AKRF, Inc.

Updated September 19, 2022